13 Jul 2018

Employment History - App Tips Series

I am starting with the Employment section because I think there’s a temptation to just “go through the motions” in this part of the app—maybe because it feels similar to your resume? If you do that, you’re missing an opportunity to bring us into your world. In addition to dates and titles for your most recent three jobs, we give you five open text boxes: 

-Your Role and Responsibilities
-Company/Organization Description
-Reason for Leaving [for a new role]
-Key Accomplishments
-Most Significant Challenge

You only have 250 characters for each box, but you would be surprised how much you can express in that space.

In your own words (rather than the description in your HR job posting) what is your job? In describing Your Role and Responsibilities, what has stood out as critical to you as well as to your company?

In describing your Company/Organization, keep in mind that while we are familiar with many companies around the world, we may not know much about your division or your team. If you work at a startup or your family business, giving us details beyond what is available online is also very helpful.

As for your Reason for Leaving, this can be simple and straightforward and hopefully gives you a chance to reflect on the “why” of a key transition in your work life.

In the Key Accomplishments box, think back on your time at this company—what achievement has been most meaningful to you? Try to be as specific and as honest as possible. The same goes for your Most Significant Challenge.  

The employment history section ought to be one of the more self-reflective parts of the application as you step back and take stock of your journey so far. Don’t be afraid to show a little personality in your responses! This employment section really helps us get to know you and is often a good jumping off point for the interview stage of the process.

Hopefully this is helpful to you. If you haven’t started your application yet, I encourage you to start one now. I’ll share some thoughts about the essay next week!