17 Nov 2023

Managing Director Introduction

Hi all! My name is Rupal Gadhia and I just joined the team here at Harvard Business School as the Managing Director of Admissions and Financial Aid. This is honestly the opportunity of a lifetime for me as HBS has had such a profound impact on my life. In a few short months, I will be celebrating at my 20th year reunion from HBS. After almost two decades in marketing and consulting, I am so grateful to come back to the place that shaped me into the professional and leader I am today.

In my past month in this role, I have had the amazing opportunity to get to meet and read about many of you. I have been so moved by your stories, your journeys, and the difference you are making in the world. Thank you for applying to HBS and sharing your stories with us. It is such an honor to learn about the remarkable impact you are having on your companies, communities, and humanity.

I look forward to continuing to meet you and learn more about you!