Dr. Jill Avery is a senior lecturer in the marketing unit at Harvard Business School, an authority on brand management and customer relationship management (CRM), and the Faculty Chair for HBS Peek.

Imagine yourself sitting in a classroom at Harvard Business School wondering if the professor’s next cold call will be addressed to you. You are surrounded by other students from all over the world. No one is just like you and every person seems to be envisioning a unique career path that leverages their particular passions. You quickly find that despite your differences, you all share a thirst for learning and for using that learning to make a difference in the world, and that’s what makes this all so exciting. As you wait for the cold call to arrive, you wonder how an MBA might fit into your life plans. Would business school be right for you and are you right for business school?

There’s a lot of rhetoric out there about the value of an MBA in today’s dynamic marketplace. Harvard Business School’s Peek helps you cut through it and experience the value of an MBA for yourself – providing you with a low risk, sneak-peek to help you assess what your life could be like with an MBA. Business school isn’t right for everyone, but it might be right for you, and we want to provide you with an easy and fun way to test that hypothesis.

So, tell us, what are you passionate about? Science, Storytelling, or Social Justice? Art, Advocacy, or Applied Math? Psychology, Poverty, or Pollution? Bring your particular passion to Peek Weekend and our professors will bring theirs – helping you better understand the challenges that today’s leaders across diverse fields face and how to use the theories and tools of management to marshal yourself and others towards solutions to them.

I’m personally passionate about storytelling. As an undergraduate, I studied English literature and art history, never once thinking that an MBA degree would be relevant to me. Today, many years later after a successful and fulfilling career as a marketer, I’m thankful that I found my way into an MBA program that was able to leverage my narrative and visual storytelling skills and my desire to tell stories that change people’s perspectives and lives. As a result, I’ve spent my career immersed in developing brand narratives that resonate, visual imagery that moves, and interactive customer experiences that delight --the perfect combination of humanities and business.

Peek is a whirlwind of activity, from interactive case discussions of cutting-edge management dilemmas taught by Harvard Business School’s award-winning faculty, to conversations with current MBA students and alumni, to forging new friendships with others like you who are planning their future trajectories. Because it is designed particularly for people like you who have not studied management or worked in business, it is a shared learning experience that tests and expands the boundaries of the value of an MBA, enabling you to ascertain whether you can better fulfill your dreams with an MBA degree in hand. Come join us to find out how you can bring your passion to our classrooms to answer that cold call with confidence.