Home Region

Fabriano, Italy

Undergrad Education

Bocconi University, 2017

Previous Experience

Ferrero International S.A.

HBS Activities

Sustainability Club, Consulting Club, Food, Agriculture, & Water Club, One Young World Chapter @ HBS.

“Before you know it, you're sharing stories and creating memories like you've known each other forever. ”

Coming to HBS is like…

Hopping on a new plane to a surprise destination every single day. On your first day, you come to class and sit next to people you have only just met. But, before you know it, you're sharing stories and creating memories like you've known each other forever. As you board your next flight, you know that this is just the beginning of a lifelong adventure together with your newfound friends.

What is your most memorable classroom moment?

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" This was the seemingly simple yet so profound question our professor posed in class. As we went around the room, my friend Yasuhiko-san truly stole our hearts. Instead of talking about his passions or career goals, he wrote a heartwarming letter to his toddler who was experiencing the world outside of Japan, at HBS. In his letter, Yasu detailed 92 qualities he hopes his son absorbs during our two years together – the best from each of us. It’s vulnerable, heartfelt moments like these that make HBS more than just a business school – it's a family that supports and uplifts each other, both inside and outside the classroom.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

As a kid, I loved dinosaurs! I had a whole collection of dinosaur toys, and my favorite thing was go to my grandma's house and play with them for hours. I used to meticulously line them all up with my mom, based on their actual height, weight, and era. We'd end up with a massive line of dinos stretching from one end of the house to the other, with everyone in my big family helping out, moving over chairs and furniture to make room. It was our own little prehistoric parade, and I loved every minute of it.

What is the best thing about your hometown?

Fabriano, my hometown, is a hidden gem of Italian heritage that dates back to the Roman Empire and later to the Middle-Ages communes. Growing up playing in its centuries-old narrow streets, attending medieval games, and admiring its Renaissance art and architecture was an absolute wonder. But its people are Fabiano’s best treasure: humble protectors of their town’s heritage, tirelessly preserving it over the ages, while generously welcoming new visitors in this journey through time. You are my guests on your next trip to Italy!

What has changed about your understanding of leadership?

“Leadership is not rank or privileges, titles, or money. Leadership is responsibility” [Peter Drucker]. HBS has shown me that each of us has three basic responsibilities: creating economic value, following the spirit of laws, and making good ethical commitments for our organizations, society, and the planet. True leaders are those who can see responsibility as a gift, make decisions through their economic, legal, and ethical lenses, and inspire their stakeholders to do the same thing.